What Late Night Sadness Feels Like, and What I Do When It Hits

Putting words around the melancholy you feel around/after midnight.

Raegan Hedley (Reggie)
3 min readMar 12, 2021
Photo by Mick Haupt on Unsplash

It started when I closed my laptop. I fell into an internet rabbit hole that began with reading an in-depth breakdown of Ariana Grande’s relationship with Pete Davidson and ended with Davidson’s Hot Ones video.

I don’t even know how long I’ve been staring at a screen.

Two hours? Three? Four? It’s late, but not so late that if I went to bed right now, I couldn’t still get up early and do it all over again. I question if I want to put tomorrow off and disappear back into the internet for a few more hours. I sit on the couch in the dark, unmoving.

I notice how quiet my house is. I realize the lights have been off for hours, and the only light in the room was my laptop screen. I hear the wind thrashing against the windows and realize I haven’t left the house today. All of these things only occur to me now.

A deep, achy sadness sweeps over me. This is usually the time it happens. Late-night sadness has a way of rushing in to fill up the silence after a long day.

I think of all the things I could have done with the past few hours. I think of the friends I’m struggling to reach out to. I think of what I ate for dinner (cereal and falafel balls). My mind jumps from Pete Davidson to existential collapse in a matter of seconds at this time of night (it’s impressive, really). I blink into the darkness. My body is stiff from sitting in the same position for hours.

I know I should get up, but I can’t seem to bring myself to.

What should I do? Should I open my laptop and get some work done? Should I go to bed? Should I put something on and zone back out? Should I reach out to someone? Should I send out a sad tweet? Should I blame this on the pandemic? Should I try to look on the bright side? Should I let myself cry?

This is where I hear my mom’s advice in my head (that is really what her mom used to say to her): you’re just tired.

I know she’s at least a little bit right. That’s why I opened my laptop back up and wrote this. Now I’m signing off for bed.

Sleep and creative release are the best ways to meet yourself where you’re at.

I say this from experience. Sleep ensures tomorrow keeps its precious vitality, and writing (or whatever is your thing) is a way to capture these feelings without taming them. These things make peace with late-night sadness.

Late-night sadness is its own brand of melancholy.

I know it sucks, but it’s not out to get you. It’s not a monster that comes out only in the dark looking for a fight. Late-night sadness can be a symptom of something bigger, I don’t deny that, but often it’s a sign to take care of yourself.

If you or someone you know has a mental illness, is struggling emotionally, or has concerns about their mental health, here are some resources to get help.



Raegan Hedley (Reggie)
Raegan Hedley (Reggie)

Written by Raegan Hedley (Reggie)

Professional copywriter. Former party girl. Never met a swear word I didn’t like or a piece of plastic I didn’t hate.

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