Published inWrite A CatalystYou Are NOT the Average of the Five People You Spend the Most Time WithJim Rohn’s famous quote isn’t true (according to research).Nov 14, 20241Nov 14, 20241
Published inHello, Writer.Why Do We Rely on Rock Bottom?My case for quitting drinking before you hit your bottom.Sep 29, 20223Sep 29, 20223
Published inBeing KnownStrong Independent WomanPeople call me a strong independent woman. So why don’t I feel like one?May 6, 20221May 6, 20221
Published inILLUMINATIONCan’t Stop Mindlessly Buying Clothes? Maybe You Need a No-Buy Month (or Year)I quit shopping for a year. Here’s how I knew I needed it.Apr 13, 20221Apr 13, 20221
Why the Word ‘Fine’ SucksWhen was the last time you said it and really meant it?Jan 7, 2022Jan 7, 2022
Published inClear Yo MindWhy I Stopped Trying to Create a Morning Routine (And Why You Should Too)It was the best decision I could have made during the pandemic.Nov 10, 20211Nov 10, 20211
10 Things I Did During the Pandemic (Don’t Worry, This Isn’t Motivational)Maybe you’ve done them too??Nov 3, 2021Nov 3, 2021
Published inWriters’ BlokkeHow to Voice Your Frustration if You Hate ConflictIf you’re complaining about someone or something to others, it’s time to do something about it.Oct 26, 20212Oct 26, 20212
3 Motivational Quotes That Make Me Want To Throw Up in My MouthPlease stop with the fake deep BS, already.Oct 4, 20216Oct 4, 20216