3 Motivational Quotes That Make Me Want To Throw Up in My Mouth

Please stop with the fake deep BS, already.

Raegan Hedley (Reggie)
3 min readOct 4, 2021

Let me preface this by saying this shit works for some people.

I am not that person.

That’s ok. Those people can do their thing. I’m gonna write this list.

1. Work hard, play hard.

I have so many issues with this phrase I don’t even know where to start.

Actually, I do. You can’t pour a six-pack of beer on your burnout and expect it to actually help. If anything, when I did that I found it made me way MORE anxious. And depressed. Which then made the burnout worse. Which made it harder to get up and go to work. Hm.

In research, it’s said that correlation doesn’t equal causation — but in this case, I’m arguing that working till you feel like you need to sledgehammer your brain with alcohol and drugs to forget about the week you just had is….related.

This quote reflects the idea that in order to keep killing yourself at your job, you need a reward. Something desirable dangling on a stick in front of you. Buying drugs, alcohol, expensive pottery, clothes, toys (batteries included), books, nice shoes, a new pair of boobs and more will provide a hit of dopamine, but none of those…



Raegan Hedley (Reggie)
Raegan Hedley (Reggie)

Written by Raegan Hedley (Reggie)

Professional copywriter. Former party girl. Never met a swear word I didn’t like or a piece of plastic I didn’t hate.

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